Maximize your reliability in power generation, oil and gas, chemical and petrochemical with our vibration test and measurement solutions. 

Whatever the source is water, steam or wind, measuring vibrations efficiently and accurately on turbines is a key issue. The choice for a trustworthy analyzer is crucial for both manufacturers and power operators.

Acceptance tests are to be carried out with the highest possible efficiency. Integrating run ups and coast downs, systematic test procedures including dynamic and static parameters are carried out. A powerful integrated multianalyzer allows these tests to be achieved in a minimum amount of time.

In this era of economic crises, oil crises and discussions regarding nuclear power stations, there is an increasing focus on “Power & energy”  Not only high efficiency but also precision, durability and stability are essential factors here. Whether you are involved in conventional energy production or in the field of renewable energy sources, you have a reliable partner to help you solve any specific problems.


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